About Me

Damoni Higgins

Email: damonihiggins7@gmail.com

Phone: 313-257-1348

School Email: hg3157@wayne.edu


Hello there my name is Damoni Higgins and I am a 2nd year Print Journalism major at Wayne State University. I was born and raised in Detroit. I plan to graduate with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism in 2026.

I was attracted to the idea of becoming a journalist by discovering that I have a deep love for learning about the lives of others and life in general. I also had love for writing, making these 2 factors the main reason why i decided to study Journalism to begin with.

As of writing this, I have already published an article under a company i was interning for and I plan to publish a lot more articles in the coming year.

After school, I plan to work as a Journalist for any company that I have a particular interest in and work my way up that way. I then will at some point return to school to work on a degree in Marketing as well as obtain a certificate in Computer Science. 

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